Why Did the Little Boy Fall Out of Bed?
Revival at Pine Grove Baptist
David (Bubba), Jerry, Benjy, and Mark kicked off the revival at Pine Grove with a beautiful rendition of the old the hymn To God Be the Glory sung a capella style. Great job guys!A little boy told his mom that he had fallen out of his bed in the middle of the night. When his mother asked why, he responded, "I guess I fell asleep too close to where I got in."Dr. Clarence Cooper preached a strong message about faithfulness Sunday evening, as he reminded us that it is required of a steward that he be found faithful (1 Cor 4:2). Using the story of the little boy who fell out of bed, Dr. Cooper challenged us not to be found asleep too close to where we got in.
More photos of this event: 2007 Ministry Photo Album.
Gideon’s Steak and Shrimp Banquet
Earlier this month, Benjy was invited to sing and lead the music for the Pastor’s Appreciation Dinner hosted by the Gideons at Pearl River Community College. The food was great and so was the turn out. Benjy recognized many of our local pastors, and he enjoyed their good fellowship and the powerful testimonies given by the speakers. We were surprised to learn that the Gideons deliver 1,000,000 Bibles per week! That's 18 tractor trailer trucks full. What a powerful and effective ministry!Special 5th Sunday Celebration
More photos of this event: 2007 Ministry Photo Album.